Guide feedback 13/02/2020 – Enrico Bonino Alpine Mountain Guide

Feb 13, 2020

Weather keeps behaving as crazy as possible alternating low and high temperatures with strong winds and sunshine. Not really the best for ice falls but we still have decent conditions at the moment in both Valeille and Valnontey.

LauBij: decent conditions yesterday on the right start with 2 very steep but well protectable sections on the first pitch. The traverse is more technical than usual and thin on the exit. BEWARE: in the past few days a big chunk of rock detached from the top of the waterfall. All the rock surrounding LauBij is naturally very loose. Be extra careful with this temperatures variations.

Medusa: the line looks fine but 2 big and unstable stalactites shaped by the wind threaten the first half of the climb!

Monday Money: today we attempted the climb. First 2 pitches very good. The main wall of the third pitch was a real shower to the point we decided to retreat half way up.

Repentance: Looked very good and….very crowded! 6 teams today all at the same time on the climb! BE CAREFUL!

Valmiana and Thule still look very dangerous due to Sun exposure.

Sentinel Ice: only the first pitch in up.


Enrico Bonino Mountain Guide


The following pieces of information are about sharing useful and trustful infos to better program your ice climbs in the Cogne Valleys, so that you can safely enjoy this beautiful outdoor activity. Whenever possible we will be happy to provide complementary data under your requestbut we cannot act for you, and we will not be with you on the field most of the times. 

Thereforeit will be only your responsability to asess the enviromental conditions on the very moment of your climbas they  can rapidly change.  Before setting off you must be aware of your own experience, and you must make all those decisions needed keep safe throughout the day.  

None of our staff including Hotel La Barme and Residence Château Royal members can be held responsible for the following informations.