Ice Conditions
Ice book 01.02.19 at 07h00 -6,5° C 25 cm of fresh snow
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -6,5°
Ice book 30.01.19 at 07h00 -9° light snow
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -9°
Ice book 28/01/19
Ice book 28/01/19 at 07h00 -8,5°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -8,5°
Ice book 27/01/19 at 07h00 -8°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -8°
Ice book 25.01.19 at 07h00 -14,8° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -14.8°
Eknaton by Enrico Bonino, alpine guide
Eknaton by Enrico Bonino
Ice book 24.01.19 at 07h00 -16.5°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -16.5°
Ice book 23.01.19 at 07h00 -10.8°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -10.8°
Ice book 21.01.19 at 07h00 -12,8° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -12.8°
Ice book 20.01.19 at 07h00 -14°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -14°
Ice book 19/01/19 at 07h00 -10°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -10°
ice book 18/01/19 at 07h00 -11°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -11°
Ice book 17/01/19 at 07h00 -8,6° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -8.6°
Today in cold couloir
Cold couloir
Ice climbers are back !!!
Ice climbers are back
Ice book 15.01.19 at 07h00 -4°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -4°
Ice book 12/01/19 at 07h00 -8,5° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -8.5°
Ice book 10/01/19 at 07h00 -12°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -12°
Ice book 09.01.19 at 07h00 -6°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -6°
ice book 04.01.19 at 07h00 -7,8° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -7.8°
ice book 03.01.19 at 07h00 -9°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -9°
ice book 01.01.2019
ice book 01/01/19
ice book 31/12/18 at 07h00 -4° HAPPY NEW YEAR
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -4°
30/12 at 7:00 +1°C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: +1°
Tuborg today
Tuborg icefall
Patri today
Patri icefall
DANGER ! There is a rickety tree in Lillaz Gully
DANGER ! There is a rickety tree in Lillaz Gully
Ice book 25.12.2018 Merry Christmas ! At 07h00 -8°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -8°
14/12/18 Comunicato stampa!
COMUNICATO STAMPA "Le guide alpine a difesa del gipeto"
Icebook 19 12 2019
Cogne, today at 7.00 -8°C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -8°
24/11/18 at 7.00 -7,5°C, cold is coming!
Hello, we had a very cold week, a lot of rain in october & november and so we hope in a good ice season!! Some pictures of ice falls in Valnontey today:
The ice season is finished.
The ice season is finished. See you next winter Thanks !!
Ice book 27.03.18 at 07h00 -7°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -7°
Ice book 21/03/18 at 07h00 -12°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -12°
Ice book 16.3.18 at 07h00 -10°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -10°
ice book 12/03/18 at 07h00 -4°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -4°