Ice Conditions
ice book 08/01/17
ice book 08/01/17
ice book 06/01/17
Ice book 02/01 at 7h00 -9,9°C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -9.9°
Ice book 30/12 at 7h00 -9,7°C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -9.7°
ICE BOOK 24.12.16
19/12- Lillaz
Lillaz 19/12
ice book 18/12/16
6/12 some pictures from Valnontey…
Weather update
Hello, after some days with a lot of rain (snow from 2000 m.) we have now very cold temperatures, so we hope that ice falls will be in good conditions in some weeks, ready for...
Hi folks , the ice season is finished, thanks and see you next winter !!!
ice book 17.03.2016 at 07h00 -8°C, yesterday 20 cm of fresh snow
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -8°
ice book 10.03.2016 at 07h00 -16°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -16°
ice book 07.03.16 at 07h00 -20,2°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -20.2°
ice book 02.03.16 at 07h00 -9°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -9°
ice book 28.02.16 at 07h00 -2,2° C, 50 cm of fresh snow
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -2.2°
ice book 27.02.16 at 07h00 -4,2° C, light snow
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -4.2°
ice book 25.02.16 at 07h00 -3,5°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -3.5°
ice book 24.02.16 at 07h00 -5,5° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -5.5°
ice book 22.02.16 at 07h00 -1,4° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -1.4°
ice book 20.02.16 at 07h00 -18°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -18°
ice book 19.02.2016 at 07h00 -13°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -13°
ice book 18.02.16 at 07h00 -9°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -9°
ice book 17.02.16 at 07h00 -11,2° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -11.2°
ice book 16.02.16 at 07h00 -6°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -6°
ice book 15.02.16 at 07h00 -16°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -16°
ice book 14.02.16 at 07h00 -4,4° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -4.4°
ice book 13.02.16 at 07h00 -11,2° C, yesterday 30 cm of fresh snow
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -11.2°
ice book 12.02.16 at 07h00 -14°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -14°
ice book 10.02.16 at 07h00 -6,8° C , 20 cm of fresh snow
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -6.8°
ice book 08.02.16 at 07h00 -12,6° C , yesterday 30 cm of fresh snow
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -12.6°
ice book 07.02.16 at 07h00 -3° light snow
Time: 07h00 emperature: -3°
ice book 06.02.16 at 07h00 -8°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -8°
ice book 05.02 at 07h00 -1,5° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -1.5°
ice book 04.02 at 07h00 -8°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -8°
ice book 03.02.16 at 07h00 -2°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -2°
ice book 01.02.2016 at 19h00 -1,9° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -1.9°
ice book 31.01.2016 at 07h00 -0,9° C
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -0.9°
ice book 30.01.2016 at 07h00 -10°
Time: 07h00 Temperature: -10°