Ice conditions


Guide feedback 13/02/2020 – Enrico Bonino Alpine Mountain Guide

Guide feedback 13/02/2020 – Enrico Bonino Alpine Mountain Guide

Weather keeps behaving as crazy as possible alternating low and high temperatures with strong winds and sunshine. Not really the best for ice falls but we still have decent conditions at the moment in both Valeille and Valnontey. LauBij: decent conditions yesterday on...

Guide feedback 13/02/2020 – Enrico Bonino Alpine Mountain Guide

Guide feedback 01/02/2020 – Enrico Bonino Alpine Mountain Guide

Warmer temperatures today in Valnontey. Ice is generally suffering the temperature rise on the sunny side of the valley. Gran Val, Sentiero dei Troll, Valmiana, Thoule, Di fronte al tradimento and Erfaulet are not recommended at this time. On the contrary on the shady...